Danielle's Programming Experience Examples

Personal Websites and App Projects

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Featured Recent Projects

Main Personal Projects

Seafront Entertainment Complex - Activity Booking Website

A website I am building using React, NodeJS (Express) and MySQL which allows users to book ice skating, bowling, the cinema, or the theatre. This project is currently in progress. So far, I have implemented the following features:

  • Register and Login/Logout
  • View a list of available ice skating sessions or bowling bookings for the selected date
  • Select the number of adults and children attending: the website checks against the number of available slots and will not allow you to make a booking with more people attending than slots left
  • Customise ice skating session or bowling bookings with optional pre-ordered snacks.
  • For bowling, specify the number of games and whether the rails are up.
  • Add to basket either logged in or as a guest
  • Once logged in, confirm all bookings in your basket
  • Remove bookings from the basket
  • Cancel confirmed bookings

I have also begun to implement the cinema bookings to show a visual seating plan which accesses the database to display available seats, with a different price for premium seats to standard seats.
I have structured the code so that it becomes easier to implement new activities - all activities share basic booking functionality.

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Activity Booking Website Sample Code

Activity Booking Wesbite

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Story Creator

A PC-based tool I created in Unity using C Sharp, for my sibling to visually create stories using props, sprites (transparent images of characters) and add their voices by recording audio. The background can be changed each frame, characters can be rotated, scaled or made to slide across the screen, and each project can be saved and loaded. This involved using JSON to store and retrieve rotation, scale, position and sprite/prop images indexes.

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Story Creator Sample Code

Story Creator

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Smaller Personal Projects

Multiplayer Holiday Game

Family Hub - Family Social Group Website

Family Hub is an experimental, group-based social media wesbite for families. I used PHP and SQLite with Laravel and Vue in order to develop my skills in these frameworks. It includes the following features (login and register are built-in with laravel):

  • Create a new Family Group (the user automatically becomes the Admin of the group)
  • Delete the entire Family Group (as an Admin) or leave it (as a regular Joined user)
  • Search all Family Groups
  • Request to join a Family Group from the search results
  • Approve or deny requests to join Family Groups for which you are the admin.

It is based on the concept that families often live in separate villages, towns or cities, and it may be useful to create multiple Family Groups to communicate to specific groups quickly, for example, in order to arrange a meetup.

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Multiplayer Holiday Game

'How Well Do You Know Each Other' Holiday Game App

I created a 4 player, 2 team Android tablet game in Unity using C Sharp. It was for my family in the lead-up to a special holiday. The game saves automatically after each question. The game was played follows:

  • It was split into 3 rounds. Each round displayed a series of images in 'Setup Mode' for each player, then in 'Quiz Mode' for each player.
  • During Setup Mode, each player taps a facial expression image to rate their excitement for the upcoming holiday activity - their teammate should not look! In the photo, the activity was watching the Disney fireworks.
  • During Quiz Mode, each player guesses how their teammate rated their excitement for the activity.
  • Close answers (one out) scored 5 points for their team, while exact answers scored 10 points. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins.
Mod Creator

The Sims 4 Mod Generator Tool (Experimental)

I implemented a section of my Mod Generator (for my own personal use) in C Sharp, using Windows Forms in Visual Studio. It took user input (for example, what text do you want to display in-game here, select an icon to be used, etcetera). It then generated XML tuning files based on that input which can immediately be packaged and loaded into the game.

Academic Projects

Main University Assignments

Parcel Tracking System

This website uses PHP and MySQL. It allows you to simulate product ordering and parcel tracking. It includes the following features:

  • Register/Login
  • View Products
  • Add to Cart
  • Place Order
  • Track own parcels
  • Track any parcel using tracking number and postcode OR product name
  • Update parcel status (e.g. Dispatched) - Admin only
  • Manage parcels, users, and products - Admin only
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Parcel Tracking System Sample Code

Parcel Tracking System

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Football Fan News

This team University project is a wesbite which connected to an API for football statistics. I wrote all of the server-side code (Python) in addition to most of the JavaScript on the client side.
Our website had the following completed features:

  • View basic player information
  • View basic team information
  • Search by team - also displays its players
  • Search by player - also displays their team(s)
  • View past, current and live matches
  • View the homepage with a featured past match, featured upcoming match, and other fixed or randomly selected images.
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Football Fan News Sample Code

Football Fan News

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Miscellaneous Academic Projects

Java Assignment

In my first university programming assignment, I used Java in Eclipse for a series of tasks including file handling and user input There was a strong emphasis on passing assertions (code tests).

Sixth Form Python Coursework

In sixth form, I used Python and Tkinter for my Computer Science A-Level coursework to create an app which stores a message inside an image (by subtly changing the pixels' RGB values) when provided with a key. This key can also be used to retrieve the message from the image.

Python, JavaScript and JSON Assignment

In my second university programming assignment, I created a multi-feature website with a local server (using Flask). The features included a calculator, a journal entry section and a 'Thought of the Day' quotes section. The journal entries and quotes were stored on the server.

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